ACMH’s new electronic health system is here!
When you come to your next appointment:
- Bring all current medication
- Come 15 minutes early
- You may need to wait a bit
Thank you for your patience as we transition to this new system!
Important Information for New Users!
A pin number is required before creating a user account. Before creating a user account for the Patient Portal, you will need to obtain a pin number from the Audubon County Memorial Hospital & Clinics. If you are at the hospital for any of the following reasons, please ask for a Patient Portal pin number and instructions for logging in for the first time.
- Emergency Room visit
- Radiology
- Lab work
- Clinic appointments
What is the Patient Portal?
The Patient Portal is a free service available to all patients of the ACMH health system. It is secure, confidential, and available 24 hours a day from anywhere with an internet connection. View it from your home computer or your mobile device.
How do I sign up?
Signing up is easy! Just let your nurse know during your visit, or call the Business Office. Nursing staff, Office staff, and IT staff are all able to issue you a PIN number and help you complete the registration process. Please note, accounts may only use one email address and have one log in per patient.
What information is available in the Patient Portal?
From your Patient Portal account, you can see many things that can be found in your medical record. Available items include a list of your medications, allergies, immunizations, lab results, vitals, and recent visits. You may also send messages to our Business Office staff and our Outpatient Clinic staff. Another great feature is the ability to print various forms prior to your visits! For example, you can print your New Patient Forms for your visit, and bring them with you to the appointment instead of having to sit in the waiting room and fill them out when you get there.
How do I see information from my children’s visits?
Parents who wish to view records may create their own account and then associate a child’s account for children up to age 13. Because Iowa has privacy laws specific to children of the ages 13 to 17, our facility is unable to provide parent access to accounts in that age range. Once the child turns 18, they may register for his/her own Patient Portal account. If you would like to learn how to associate your child’s account please let our staff know. Please note, accounts may only use one email address and have one log in per patient.
What if the information in the Portal is wrong?
If you feel that information provided in your Patient Portal account is incorrect, please contact ACMH at 712-563-2611 as soon as possible. Members of our staff will do their best to correct the information in a timely and accurate manner.
Why don’t scheduled appointments show up?
At the current time, this feature is not available. In the future however, you will be able to view and schedule your own appointments via your Portal.
I was just there, why isn’t my information showing in the Portal?
Information from your visits is sent to your portal account at certain time throughout the day. This “information sweep” begins at midnight each night, and sweeps every four hours thereafter. This means, information is sent to the portal at 12:00am, 4:00am, 8:00am, etc. If for example, your visit occurred at 2:30pm, your information would sweep to your portal at the 4:00 pm time and you should be able to view it at any time after that. If for some reason you feel the information is not showing after the appropriate time period, please contact ACMH nursing or IT staff. We can do a manual sweep from your patient chart and it will push it to the portal for you to see.
Why can’t I see certain types of labwork?
The ACMH lab has the capability to do many lab tests that are ordered by your physician. All lab work that is performed here at our facility will show in your patient portal. Because some tests require further evaluation and/or use specialty equipment, they may need to be sent out to another facility. This information is then manually entered into your medical record and will not show in your portal. If you would like a copy of lab work that does not show in your portal account, please call ACMH and ask to speak to the Health Information Management (Medical Records)staff.
Can I change my medical information from my Patient Portal account?
At the current time, this feature is not available. In the future however, you will be able to manage your health information via your Portal.