ACMH Employee’s Club Donates to New Opportunities

It’s a Time of Giving!

Join us in thanking the ACMH Employee’s Club and those employees who made donations to the Reverse Advent Calendar food drive!

The Employee’s Club accepted donations of food and goods during the months of November and December. Members delivered donations to New Opportunities where they will be shared with our community.

Holding a Reverse Advent Calendar gave employees a chance to give a specific needed item each day. This was a fun way for our employees to get into the spirit of the season while giving back to those who need it most!

ACMH Employee’s Donate to Audubon County Caring & Sharing Food Pantry

Supporting our community is important to the employees of ACMH. This year in addition to the Reverse Advent Calendar food drive, employees also did a donation drive of current needs for Audubon County Caring & Sharing. Caring & Sharing is a non-profit food/clothing organization that is supported by local churches and individuals. Our hope is to help even more individuals and families in our community by adding this donation drive.