ACMH introduces Audubon County SHIIP Volunteer Counselor
Audubon- The Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) is a free, objective, and confidential service offered through the state of Iowa to help people sort through confusing information about Medicare and determine eligibility for financial assistance or benefits.
Audubon County Memorial Hospital (ACMH) is partnering with SHIIP to bring this service to our community. SHIIP volunteer counselors are trained by the state of Iowa to inform, educate, and help those turning 65 navigate the ins and outs of Medicare.
ACMH and SHIIP are excited to announce Audubon County’s new SHIIP volunteer counselor, Ana Kauffman. Kauffman will provide one-on-one services at ACMH.
No matter if you are still working and on your company health insurance or retired and on Medicare, Ana Kauffman can help you with your healthcare choices (and costs) as open enrollment season is kicking-off, between October 15 through December 7, 2022.
Open enrollment periods are the dates through which you can either sign up for new coverage or alter or cancel an existing plan.
Additionally, during open enrollment period each year, Kauffman will review your drug plan. This assistance with the Part D, Prescription Drug Plans, compares your current medication cost with other plans to ensure you are receiving the best value.
Ana is also available to help you with your Medicare Initial Enrollment Period, as you approach 65, or during Special Enrollment Period, upon retirement beyond 65.
Kauffman states that, “As SHIIP Counselors, we educate and help individuals understand the complexities of Medicare so that they can make informed choices when it comes to their health care and health care costs.”
Open Enrollment has begun. To schedule an appointment with Ana Kauffman, contact the Audubon SHIIP Office, located at ACMH at 712-563-5309 or email Kauffman at These services are available in-person, by phone, or virtually.