ACMH Offers Post-COVID Recovery Support Group

Audubon County Memorial Hospital is now offering a Post-COVID recovery support group for those individuals who would like to connect with others that are having a shared experience. Support groups offer a safe environment where members that share the same condition come together to suggest coping strategies, feel more empowered and gain a sense of community.

This confidential support group is led by mental health professionals, Lois Potthoff, LMHC and Kevin Reynolds, LMHC.  If you or someone you know is interested in participating in this free program either in-person or virtually, please email,

The first meeting will be held on Monday, October 24th at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Health Center at ACMH. Please enter through the Administration Doors.

ACMH’s team of medical professionals remain optimistic as they continue to assist post-COVID patients in their recovery.