Brian Jacobs, CRNA
Pain can be difficult to describe, even by those that deal with its impact every day. One reason is that people feel pain differently. Also, the amount of pain people can tolerate is varied. It can be throbbing or dull, constant or come and go. Pain impacts how you feel physically and emotionally. It can lessen your ability to care for yourself, work or maintain relationships. If you are in pain, it is important you discuss it with your health care provider.
There are many treatments available to help manage your pain. Your healthcare provider may recommend physical therapy, exercise or even avoiding certain activities or foods. Medication can play an important role. Your primary care provider may instruct you to take over the counter or order prescription medications for you.
Many types of pain can be treated with injections. Epidural steroid injections are used for some types of back, neck, arm or leg pain. These injections can improve pain and function for several months or even longer. They can be repeated to maintain the benefits.
Injections are also used to treat trigger points. In these cases, there is commonly a trigger point that is tender and when pressed. Pain radiates out from the trigger point. These injections can be used to treat certain types of neck, back, shoulder, hip, arm or hand pain.
If you are currently traveling to have injections for pain management, talk to your healthcare provider about having those services provided at Audubon County Memorial Hospital & Clinics.
Bran Jacobs, CRNA, of Midwest Pain Care provides Pain Management Services at Audubon County Memorial Hospital & Clinics. He can help you if you have neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or shingles! Call the ACMH Specialty Clinic at 712-563-5304 for more information!