As homecomings are celebrated for our Audubon County schools Audubon Community School District and Exira-EHK, it is time to celebrate those that make it happen… our teachers, administrators, and staff!
This year the ACMH Employees Club decided to take a different approach to their annual Back-to-School Drive by reaching out to both districts and asking the teachers what would be on their “wish list.” It turns out that teachers love new school supplies, too!
ACMH Employees Club members collected supplies from hospital and clinic staff and set out to deliver before the start of the school year. Have a great year everyone!

Photo Caption: ACMH employees Sarah Asmus (L) and Kylie Stroeher (R) met with Exira-EHK Elementary School Principal, Carrie Bauer to deliver back-to-school supplies.
(Not Pictured: AHS Administration)